Into the Water by Paula Hawkins

January 30, 2018

In the last days before her death, Nel called her sister. Jules didn’t pick up the phone and now Nel is dead. They say she jumped. And Jules has been dragged back to the one place she hoped she had escaped for good, to care for the teenage girl her sister left behind. But Jules is afraid of her long-buried memories, of the old Mill House, of knowing that Nel would never have jumped.

First, Paula Hawkins is an amazing writer! I read this after The Girl on the Train and was confirmed in the fact that Hawkins is my new favorite thriller author. I’m not a big fan of small town suspense, I think it’s generally a played out scenario in thrillers and crime, but Hawkins has a way with her narrative that just draws me into the story and makes me fly through pages. It doesn’t quite compare to The Girl on the Train but I really enjoyed this book. My only problem with the characters is simple: there were too many and they were introduced too fast. This meant, that when I didn’t read for a full day, I forgot who this one guy was.. The boyfriend, the teacher, the dad? I think the amount of characters would work better on screen where all the visual details would help distinguish people easier. That being said, the characters connect really well and the different POVs give a lot of different insight both in regards to current events (such as Nel’s murder) but also to memories of childhood, love, families and old gossip.

All in all a great read and one I plan to re-read soon.


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